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Mihoko’s workshops launch 2019

4 Workshops with Mihoko to start 2019 in style!

1)  Visit by Mihoko Wakabayashi







It was a tremendous treat for me to host Mihoko from SAORI Worcester, Massachusetts, at SAORImôr. I met her at the beginning of my SAORI journey when I went on one of her SAORI/Japanese culture tours.  She has become my SAORI sensei (teacher) and close friend. We had very little time to organise events but I hope she will be able to visit again sometime. Keep an eye on my facebook page for regular updates of all my activities.  Continue reading Mihoko’s workshops launch 2019

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5 good habits anyone interested in SAORI weaving should develop

These good habits will explain why SAORI weaving is different.

Good Habit No.1 – Learn to let Go


Launching into something new and creating new habits can be quite difficult, especially in the craft world where we aim to use our hands to make something practical and useful with no end product in mind. We are used to selecting materials for a purpose, having a design in mind or planned beforehand, then working to complete that project. SAORI encourages us to work instinctively and use our intuition to work freely and creatively. Simply choose a colour and texture, sit down at the loom and start weaving. No decisions, no planning, no expectations.  Continue reading 5 good habits anyone interested in SAORI weaving should develop

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Wonderwool Wales 2016

This was our SAORI stand at Wonderwool Wales, once again shared with Wayward Weaves from Stroud. As usual we had a ‘studio’ area one side where people could try out the looms and see samples of SAORI woven cloth, and a shop area the other side. However, the investment in a display system and having a bigger range of SAORI equipment and materials, including ready-made warps and inside sets, made the whole stand much look more professional this year and we had a very successful show. Continue reading Wonderwool Wales 2016

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Fibre from Chile

I bought a bag of fibre in assorted colours  from the Añañuca stand at Woolfest in June. I had a long chat with Liz (who I bumped into in the showers of the campsite we were staying in!) and I sincerely respect their philosophy and ethos in “all of our products are handmade, and traded fairly, showing due respect for the skills of the artisan and their need to make a dignified livelihood.”

Continue reading Fibre from Chile

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New Discoveries under Bangor

Work is continuing apace on the renovation of the old Bishop’s Palace into the new venue for the Bangor Museum Art Gallery that is to be renamed “Storiel” (‘Stori and Galeri). Work on the grounds revealed a cobbled path leading from the front of the Palace to the Cathedral. More was found underneath the cobbles and they have now discovered the remains of a bakery.

I am really looking forward to learning more about these new finds that will add to the fascinating story of the City of Bangor already shown in the museum. Also the new gallery will be open longer hours and have more activities to involve the community. Hooray for Bangor!

Follow this link for more information

The cobbles revealed from the front of the Bishop's Palace to the Cathedral
The cobbles revealed from the front of the Bishop’s Palace to the Cathedral
Uncovering the site of a bakery
Uncovering the site of a bakery
Renovating the new site for "Storiel"
Renovating the new site for “Storiel”
Continuation of the path from the Bishop's Palace to the Cathedral
Continuation of the path from the Bishop’s Palace to the Cathedral
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Guild Dyeing Day

The Gwynedd Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers dyeing day was on 5th september in one of the greenhouses at the Treborth Botanical Gardens. A perfect warm and sunny day. Great friendship and cooperation, sharing at its best. And some very interesting results.

Dyed yarns in the sun
Woad vat
Hollyhock petals
Kool aid for vibrant colour
Chopping roots
Chopping roots
Treborth Botanical Gardens provide the most fabulous venue.
Treborth Botanical Gardens provide the most fabulous venue.
The results of my dippings
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The Anglesey Show 2015

We had a great time at the Anglesey Show. We took two looms and a lot of people had a chance to have a go, particularly the children. I hope that many of them will come to the studio for classes. I shared the stand with Margaret Markland so we had a good balance between Saori weaving and rigid heddle weaving. Bright, colourful, cheerful and inspirational. That just about sums it up I think!

Margaret on our stand
Margaret on our stand
Saori samples
Saori samples
SAORImôr display
SAORImôr display
A selection of Saori bags
A selection of Saori bags
Margaret working on her rigid heddle loom
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SAORI sampling fun

At last I have found a use for all those old black tights that have been collecting in my drawer. They are remarkably effective as elasticated yarn in the weft to create ruffles and textures that will be useful for making clothing.

Stretchy yarns make ruffles
Stretchy yarns make ruffles
more ruffles
more ruffles


Useful technique, so many possibilities!
Useful technique, so many possibilities!
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Cycling to work

I am really a fair-weather cyclist so I make the most of the warmer months and cycle to work.


I go via the back lanes to avoid the hazard of traffic that is unable to pass me safely but does so anyway. I can also pace myself up the hills and against the gusts of wind. It is wonderful and there is always something to see.

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Did you know that the metal frames of the SAORI looms are made in a bicycle factory?


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